2018 KACA Materials Mastery Exhibit
THE DEADLINE for Materials Mastery HAS PASSED
Venue: NOTO Arts Center (North Topeka Arts District)
Juror: Patricia Sannit
We hope EVERYONE attending the conference will participate in the "Participant's Showcase" at NOTO ArtsPlace Gallery during the conference. Please bring a representative piece of your work to share with other conference participants and the public during the conference. Set up at registration and take your piece with you at the end of the conference.)
For Full Prospectus CLICK HERE
****We have been informed that the "Full Prospectus" cannot be viewed on at least some phones. You may need to use a tablet or computer to access the full prospectus, it is not showing up on some phones The most important information is included here:
IMAGES for Material Masters: J Pegs, max 2 MB, labeled Smith J___l. jpg.
3D may be represented by 2 images labeled a & b.
HOW SUBMITTED: email to barbara.peters@att.net
Include in the body of the email a list of entries with the corresponding image label for each followed by title, media, dimensions (hwd) and price or NFS
MEDIA: All craft media acceptable. Must be original work completed in the last four years and not previously shown in a KACA exhibition.
SIZE/WEIGHT: must fit through a standard door. Not to weigh over_50__lbs.
ENTRY DEADLINE: Oct. 16, 2018.
NOTIFICATION: Oct. 20, 2018.
HAND DELIVERY/SHIPMENT: October 30. Must be shipped to arrive or hand delivered only within these dates and times; Oct. 25, 26, 27, 29 – 30, 11:00 to 5:00.
Accepted MATERIAL MASTERS TO: NOTO ARTS CENTER, 935 N. Kansas Ave. Topeka, KS 66608. Call 785/408-8996 about shipping questions or 785/224-5728, Barbara Waterman-Peters.
- Fee: Your conference registration is the fee for the Juried Materials Mastery exhibit and the Participant's Showcase exhibit.
October 16 - EXTENDED PAST Deadline WAS October 16 at 11:59 pm
October 20 - Notification of Acceptance
October 30 - All Hand Delivered and Shipped Work Must Arrive (see prospectus for times)
November 2 - Material Mastery Show Open
November 16 - Announcement of Awards and Purchase Awards 7:30 pm at Mulvane Museum Reception
November 17, 2017 - Material Mastery Show Closes
November 17, 2017 - Work from both exhibits Pick-Up by 4 p.m.
November 30, 2017 - Remaining works will be returned - shipped by Nov 30.